Let's tok bout yin and yang

Since we were young,we always see the both sides of coins, day & night, sleep and awake, dream and reality, shit and orgasm(ok, both also shiok feelin,but diff holes...tell me 1 tat is the same!) and blah blah!
So after changing my jobs twice in 1/2 yr,wat haf i see in the working society? there's also a yin and yang!
For MNC, we have the Production Team VS the HR!
And let me tell u, i really hate the HR! let's start from interview! in MNC, the 1st interview(or most i haf met) are from the fucking HR! they expect u to impress them! if possible, make them orgasm wif ur words!than u can look forward the 2nd interview! so let us reflect, r they lookin for pple tat THEY want, or the COMPANY want?hmm...
than if u're able to orgasm the whole corp, well, they WILL actually tell u ur work detail as of WAT they KNOW! so than again...hmm..do they really knw my work scope??
so now u're in the company workin! than once awhile, u will receive email from HR sayin," do not slp during lunch break""keep where and where clean"...etc...floodin ur mail basically(to show tat HR IS WORKIN!)!!!!!than when is Labour Day or ur birthday, dun expect any off day, cakes or watever! instead, they will help "save" the company fund by giving eg: apple +coke for labour day! an email wif the words"Happy birthday"(and fuck!not even bother to send a birthday card!) or worse..birthday?so wat!
wat i have list above is TRUTH!my experience!really sad ones~
So now in a Private Limited! we have the Sale Team VS the Account Side!
now this is base on personal and family and friends experience!
The management promise u this and this, that and that! virgin bride, unlimited bandwidth to d/l porn, go to heaven when u die..blah blah blah again! than when u start work,(especially those old fashion ones nv sign contract one...) suddenly come up to ur face and say no this no that, too bad, take it or leave it! WTFKNNBCCB rite??grrr....
than if u're at the project side, the company give u a budget to play wif! than end of project, work done. happy rite? coz u play wif the budget given to u, and u successfully juggle it! wah...guess wat?? ""y u pay so much for this and this?why r u wasting the company fund!??!" than they will report to ur boss b4 confrontin u!so tat the boss KNOW tat the ACCOUNT SIDE ARE WORKING!!!! wah!!! than when u argue,"but i save this and this by so much when it should be so and so...etc" guess wat? "....but y u spend so much and so much on tat one?" and the fucking story of egg or chicken come 1st come into the picture....
dun u juz hate it when there are enough fuck up pple in our world, there is actually teams form to juz make our life more miserable?!?!?!
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