Thursday, January 03, 2008

I am balding...oh great!

hiaz...sorry Norman!!!Karma has finally catch up wif me...oh yes...Am balding! from the side of my forehead.Yang, Foo and Kurt agree tat me, Manfred Tan, IS BALDING! KNN...stun, spent 2k to fix my teeth for a future Tom Cruise's smile, exchange wif a Jaap Stam's head! Perfect!

told mum about it, her reply was, "great! shows tat u're been studying hard!" stun...than i'm gg to bald more...coz sch started liao....and wow...3 modules ahead~

1st lesson wif yang, did the darnest thing! know of this gay fuck who yang know,and we always laugh about. enter classroom, saw him, so my reaction was to smile!damn...all those sale's experience fault...always smile...end up....hiaz...some1 in lesson now keep peepin at me and smile....jia lat liao...y do i always attract the weird and lonely ones?!??!! LAO TIEN JIU JIU WO BAH!!!!!

;) i love my head!


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